What is PEDL?

From 2021 to 2023, The Programme to Enhance Digital Literacy (PEDL) received funding from the Erasmus+ programme to participate in a collaborative project involving four transnational partners which aims to address digital transformation through developing the digital readiness, capacity and resilience of school communities. The activities of the project involved learning, teaching, and training activities which took the form of exchanges of practices between participating organisations. 

Project PArtners

Project objectives and impact

Objectives: The objectives of the PEDL project are to enable partner organisations to address the digital transformation readiness of members of our school communities including parents, teachers, students. Through transnational collaboration and the exchange of practice, partner organisations will be empowered to develop resources and activities to upskill the digital literacy and skills of school communities. This will result in increased learner engagement and tackle learner disadvantage.
Impact: On completion of the project, we prepared a final project report (available here) which includes a compilation of key learning and findings arising from our exchanges related to digital transformation of school communities, a summary of successful approaches taken by each partner organisation, and recommendations for schools and boards of education in addressing digital transformation.

PEDL Final Report Webinar MAy 2023

View our webinar below where each partners outlines the key learnings for them and the impact participation in the project has had on their organisation.

Project Findings and Results